
It’s Time To Commit To Great Sleep With Our 4 Tips

Get On A Schedule Even if you are not tired, stick to your bedtime. Find a time each night where you turn off all electronics and turn off the lights. This will signal your body it is time for sleep even if you don’t feel like it at the moment. Here is a tip for […]

Worst And Best Foods For A Great Sleep

Sleep is an important part of keeping your body healthy, both mentally and physically. If you are not getting enough sleep you are at a higher risk for things like heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, high blood pressure, strokes and diabetes. Check out our list of the worst and best choice for your best night’s […]

Get A Better Nights Sleep With These 5 Easy Habits

1.  Create A Ritual Every night before bed you should have a period of time away from electronics including computers, televisions and phones. This will become a ritual and that time each night will signal to your body that it is time to rest. During that period of time you can read a paperback book, […]

5 Non-Diet Ways To Get Rid Of Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural occurrence in the body. It is a defense mechanism reacting to things like toxins and injuries. In most cases the inflammation is needed to help heal the body. Only when the inflammation continues to go on and not calm down does it begin to cause a real problem. If not handled, […]

What To Eat For Your Best Sleep 1

Getting the proper amount of sleep is important for everyone, but it is especially important for any patient dealing with chronic pain. Lack of sleep tends to worsen symptoms, and when your pain is worse you have less restorative sleep, which makes pain worse the following day. It is a cyclical pattern that is best […]

Causes of Neck Pain & How to Combat It

Many people have experienced neck tension or pain. But, many aren’t sure how it is caused or how to effectively treat it. However, you’ll be happy to know that it isn’t hard to find relief and manage your chronic neck pain! Here are a few likely causes for your pain, plus some easy tips to […]

6 Surprising Causes of Low Back Pain

Back pain is something that most people will experience at some point in their lives. It can be due to overuse, age or a chronic condition. Something as simple as poor posture or everyday lifestyle choices can affect back health and comfort. Identifying any of these factors in your own life can help reduce both […]

Diet Changes That May Help You Get To Sleep

It’s no surprise that your diet can affect all areas of your life, from your sleep to stomach problems and beyond. Without sleep you become at a higher risk for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. Here are some great foods and supplements that can help you get a good nights rest […]