low back pain

Alternative Treatments That Could Help Your Low Back Pain

Acupuncture This Chinese medicine treatment has become very popular in America, most people having heard of it, or having tried it to help with their pain. The practitioner inserts very thin needles into different areas of the body that corresponds to the “chi” or energy of the patient. This has been an effective way to […]

Answering Questions: How Amniotic Tissue Injections Can Improve Chronic Pain Disorders

Amniotic tissue has been used and researched for over 100 years. Our office has recently begun using amniotic tissue injections for our chronic pain patients. Here we are answering the most common questions we get about amniotic tissue and how it works. If you have any other questions please visit us online or give our […]

Acupuncture Myths vs. Truths

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine treatment that is thousands of years old. Even though it has been around for a long time, many people do not understand this treatment and maybe even believe some myths surrounding it. Chronic pain is best treated by combining both western and alternative medicine options, and acupuncture is a great […]

Why Exercise Is Important For Patients With Chronic Pain

Chronic pain comes in many forms. Some people have fibromyalgia, others may be dealing with chronic low back or neck pain. No matter what your circumstance, we all want to find a way to reduce symptoms without medication. That’s where exercise comes in. Exercise is important for keeping your body strong and flexible. When you […]

Combat Low Back Pain With Meditation

Alternative treatments for chronic pain, especially low back chronic pain, are a great way to take control of your body and reduce your pain without medications. Meditation is one alternative treatment that has proved effective for people dealing with daily chronic pain. If you want to see benefits from meditation you don’t have to sit […]

6 New Years Resolutions for Chronic Pain

This year instead of making a resolution that you won’t keep, vow to finally rid yourself of chronic pain for good. We have a few healthy resolutions to help you meet that goal and find yourself living with less pain. 1.  Find A Doctor That Understands. Finding the right physician to help you manage your […]

Your Guide to Walking More

If you are struggling with chronic low back pain you have probably tried multiple treatment options and various medications to try to eradicate it. According to this article on Huffington Post, a recent study shows that walking daily can be as effective on reduction of pain as physical therapy sessions. Many personal trainers say walking […]

Daily Habits that Contribute to Back Pain

Bad Posture Almost everyone has had bad posture at some point in their life, especially if they sit at a desk or in the car for a good amount of the day. Slouching can add serious strain to the spine, which is the main support system of the whole body. Plus, the longer you have […]