back pain

Understanding And Healing Whiplash

  This is a condition that is often ignored because it is so misunderstood.  It is relatively common and can develop due to any impact from behind while stationary.  Often this is associated with a car accident.  When the head rapidly moves from forward to backward, or upright to either side, it can damage the […]

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Lumbar spinal stenosis is one of the conditions that can cause lower back pain. It is a narrowing of the spinal canal, which is the hole in the vertebrae of the spine that the spinal cord runs through. If the canal is narrowed enough, there is pressure placed on the lower spinal cord and the […]

Ways to Prevent Muscle Strain Injuries

Strains are injuries to the muscles and ligaments of your body. These injuries cause pain and inflammation, affecting your ability to move or sit comfortably. Especially if you have an active lifestyle, taking steps to prevent injuries should be an important part of your routine. Stretch Before Activity Stretching should be an important part of any […]

When Is Stretching Not a Good Idea for Back Pain?

Low back pain is a very common problem affecting millions of people at any given time. The economic toll of chronic low back pain (three months or longer) has been estimated to be between $12 to $90 billion from loss of work productivity, cost of treatment, and disability payments, according to the American Academy of Family […]

Should I Stretch Before Getting Out of Bed?

Because slipped discs generally occur within the first hour of your day, it’s very important that you stretch your back as soon as you wake up. Back muscles can constrict during sleep and may not be ready for exertion as soon as you get out of bed. Your mind may already be awake, but your body […]

How the Healthy Spine Works

Your spine is an amazing structure with the flexibility that allows you to move freely and the strength to support your body weight.  A healthy spine is not only responsible for your mobility, but also for protecting large portions of the nervous system.  Learn more about how a healthy spine works in this overview of spinal […]

What Causes Bone Pain?

Pain within the bones  is relatively uncommon, especially compared to muscle and joint pain. Bone pain can be caused by conditions that can be serious, so it should always be checked out by a medical professional. In some cases, the cause of bone pain may be obvious. Bone fractures caused by traumatic injury are usually […]