
What Causes Bone Pain?

Pain within the bones  is relatively uncommon, especially compared to muscle and joint pain. Bone pain can be caused by conditions that can be serious, so it should always be checked out by a medical professional. In some cases, the cause of bone pain may be obvious. Bone fractures caused by traumatic injury are usually […]

Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative arthritis, is joint inflammation that is caused by degeneration of the joints over time. The joint cartilage is worn down, causing friction and swelling of the joint. The hip joint is one common site of osteoarthritis.   Osteoarthritis often develops in the elderly because the joint cartilage naturally degrades over time. […]

Osteoarthritis of the Knees 2

About OA of the Knee If you have been diagnosed with OA of the knee, you are not alone–more than 10 million Americans have OA of the knee. Although there is no cure for OA of the knee, there are treatments available  which can reduce pain and help you stay active. Signs & Symptoms The […]