
Office Stretching 101

Sitting at a desk all day can do major damage to your entire body. That’s why it’s important to keep moving and stretching throughout your day at the office. This seems easy enough. But did you know that it can be so easy, you won’t even have to leave your office to do it? Here […]

Healthy Joints and How to Get Them

Are you experiencing joint pain? Find some great tips below to help alleviate your symptoms and promote overall joint health in the future! Keep Moving Sitting still for too long can cause your joints to become stiff. Moving around periodically throughout the day is essential to maintain healthy joints. Even if you work in an […]

Tips Low Back Pain Sufferers Will Want To Know

  Eight out of ten people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.  As anyone who has chronic back pain knows, if medication doesn’t help, you start looking for alternative options to help ease the pain.  We have found 6 helpful tips that can help you do just that.  We hope […]

The Importance of Warming Up and Stretching Before Physical Activity

If you want to avoid sports injuries, warming up and stretching before you exercise is essential. Warming up and stretching prepare your body so you are less likely to sustain an injury. Preventing an injury before the fact is always preferable to managing pain after injury has occurred. Here is a look at why warming up […]

When Is Stretching Not a Good Idea for Back Pain?

Low back pain is a very common problem affecting millions of people at any given time. The economic toll of chronic low back pain (three months or longer) has been estimated to be between $12 to $90 billion from loss of work productivity, cost of treatment, and disability payments, according to the American Academy of Family […]

Should I Stretch Before Getting Out of Bed?

Because slipped discs generally occur within the first hour of your day, it’s very important that you stretch your back as soon as you wake up. Back muscles can constrict during sleep and may not be ready for exertion as soon as you get out of bed. Your mind may already be awake, but your body […]

Stay Fit and Pain Free With This Great Stretching App

Stretching is one of the easiest ways to stay fit and healthy.  Stretching is an integral part of exercise and is also important in everyday life.  Many people underestimate the importance of stretching and injure themselves as a result. The Stretching Exercises App from the Android App store is a great resource for a myriad of stretches. […]