Yearly Archives: 2015

Avoiding Fourth Of July Injuries

In 2011 over 21,000 people were treated with injuries resulting from fireworks. Improper use and accidents can cause long-term damage because of the high temperatures which can quickly set clothing or debris on fire. Chronic pain can be the result of these injuries, even after everything has healed. This 4th of July, be sure to […]

Common Causes Of Low Back Pain

In patients ages 30-60, the most common causes of low back pain differ from those in older adults. These conditions can cause anywhere from mild to severe pain in the low back and can be acute, lasting less than 3 months, or become chronic problems.

Can Alternative Medicine Offer Additional Options For Low Back Pain?

When dealing with any chronic pain disorder, especially low back pain, often the best approach is to combine conventional medicine and alternative medicine. Together they can work to not only provide pain relief, but manage the stress and other symptoms that come along with chronic pain. Here is a list of a few alternative medicine […]

Treating And Preventing Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a painful condition where the tendons that connect muscles to bones are irritated, inflamed or torn. Some examples of tendons are the delicate bands in the hands or the large bands that secure the calf and thigh muscles. Most often tendonitis develops because of overuse due to repetitive motions or overloading the area […]

Are Regenerative Medicine Treatment Options For You?

Over the years, our office has added more and more treatment options that include regenerative medicine to help heal and reduce inflammation naturally.  Some patients are still unsure of what treatment options are available, so here will be discuss the different options our office is currently offering. Platelet Rich Plasma Injections (PRP) This is a […]

Natural Treatments Options For Fibromyalgia Suffers

  More than 6 million people are suffering with the symptoms of fibromyalgia (FM) in America. The majority of those sufferers are women. FM includes such symptoms as chronic pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, headaches, and can occur in tandem with other disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and sleep apnea. Treatment for FM includes medications […]

Chronic Pain Treatment Options

The answer to beating chronic pain isn’t one size fits all, so for those who are suffering sometimes it’s hard to find the right mix of treatments to help them get rid of pain. Chronic pain can develop from many different sources including an underlying disease or disorder, injuries such as a car accident, arthritis, […]