tennis elbow

How Athletes Can Benefit From PRP And Stem Cell Therapy

If you are a professional athlete you know how important it is to keep your body at an exceptional level. Minor injuries can sometimes mean the difference in championship games and careers. Surgery is especially devastating for athletes because of the long down time and resting period. This is why more and more Orthopaedic physicians […]

How Tennis Elbow Benefits From Stem Cell Therapy

Pain from orthopaedic conditions, especially tennis elbow which is highlighted in this video, cause people to receive invasive treatments like surgery. Fortunately this is changing and new regenerative stem cell treatments like platelet rich plasma therapy “PRP” are available. Now instead of going under the knife patients can receive one of these injections and start […]

Treating And Preventing Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a painful condition where the tendons that connect muscles to bones are irritated, inflamed or torn. Some examples of tendons are the delicate bands in the hands or the large bands that secure the calf and thigh muscles. Most often tendonitis develops because of overuse due to repetitive motions or overloading the area […]