alternative medicine

Worst And Best Foods For A Great Sleep

Sleep is an important part of keeping your body healthy, both mentally and physically. If you are not getting enough sleep you are at a higher risk for things like heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, high blood pressure, strokes and diabetes. Check out our list of the worst and best choice for your best night’s […]

Acupuncture Myths vs. Truths

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine treatment that is thousands of years old. Even though it has been around for a long time, many people do not understand this treatment and maybe even believe some myths surrounding it. Chronic pain is best treated by combining both western and alternative medicine options, and acupuncture is a great […]

Relieving Pain Without Medication- The Best Options Available

Natural pain relievers can offer you the same benefits as the standard pain medications, without any side effects. It’s no wonder people are always looking to find new ways to treat chronic pain disorders in alternative medicine.These tips can help you feel some relief without the prescription. Acupuncture Acupuncture has been shown to have many […]

6 New Years Resolutions for Chronic Pain

This year instead of making a resolution that you won’t keep, vow to finally rid yourself of chronic pain for good. We have a few healthy resolutions to help you meet that goal and find yourself living with less pain. 1.  Find A Doctor That Understands. Finding the right physician to help you manage your […]

Can Alternative Medicine Offer Additional Options For Low Back Pain?

When dealing with any chronic pain disorder, especially low back pain, often the best approach is to combine conventional medicine and alternative medicine. Together they can work to not only provide pain relief, but manage the stress and other symptoms that come along with chronic pain. Here is a list of a few alternative medicine […]