womens health

Keeping Up a Healthy Lifestyle Pays Off in Added Years

So how much of a benefit might you get from exercising, eating right and avoiding vices like smoking? New research from Sweden suggests that healthy living into old age can boost life spans by several years.   The study sought to determine how healthy living affects people aged 75 or older. The researchers, from the […]

Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative arthritis, is joint inflammation that is caused by degeneration of the joints over time. The joint cartilage is worn down, causing friction and swelling of the joint. The hip joint is one common site of osteoarthritis.   Osteoarthritis often develops in the elderly because the joint cartilage naturally degrades over time. […]

Lighten Your Load With Lifting Weights

Doing more repetitions with less weight builds muscle and increases strength just as effectively as training with heavy weights, a new Canadian study indicates. The critical factor in muscle gain is pushing yourself to the point of fatigue, according to the researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. They examined how different combinations of weight […]

How Yoga Helps in Decreasing Back pain

Performing yoga has helped many people to manage their back pain; it also leads to an improvement in mood and ability to function.  Patient who practice yoga have more success in pain management than those who reply on only conventional treatment. In a recent study, a group of people were tasked with attending a yoga […]

Botox Injections for Muscle Pain Relief 2

BOTOX® is a therapeutic muscle-relaxing agent that works at motor nerve endings (nerves that lead to muscles). It is in a class of drugs called neurotoxins. When considering neurotoxin therapy, it is important to understand how the product works, the history of its use in patients, its protein content, and possible side effects. This information […]

10 Dumb Things Patients Do At The Doctor’s Office

Here are the Top 10 things patients do to mess up their own care: 1. You talk on your cell phone. This is your health we’re talking about. Other calls can wait. Turn the thing off. 2. You lie. We need to treat you the best way we can, so if you’re gay, say so. […]