reduce stress

7 Ways You Can Start Reducing Your Stress Today

In a study from 2011, 22% of Americans felt that they were extremely stressed. Believe it or not stress effects more of your everyday life than you may realize, including not just your emotional health but also your physical health. For patients dealing with chronic pain conditions, rises in stress often mean rises in pain […]

Tips To Reduce Your Stress And Anxiety

      Many people fail to realize the link between chronic pain and stress or anxiety. Everyone may have anxious thoughts and feelings, but it is very often seen in patients who experience daily chronic pain. For many of those people, their chronic pain symptoms are the reason for the anxiety, with gloom and […]

6 New Years Resolutions for Chronic Pain

This year instead of making a resolution that you won’t keep, vow to finally rid yourself of chronic pain for good. We have a few healthy resolutions to help you meet that goal and find yourself living with less pain. 1.  Find A Doctor That Understands. Finding the right physician to help you manage your […]