physical therapy

Why Non-Surgical Treatments Are The Best Option For Chronic Back Pain

Around the world there are back surgeries being done on patients who are suffering from chronic pain. Although in some instances surgery is the right answer, in most cases a patient is able to control their pain without surgery. Remember that any surgery comes with an increased risk of complications, and the more complex and […]

Can Physical Therapy Help Get Rid Of Your Pain?

  Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, is the treatment of injury, disease or deformity through physical methods like hot and cold therapy, massage, and stretching and strengthening exercises.  If you are suffering from a disorder that makes movement difficult, physical therapy is an ideal treatment to help increase movement and restore your physical function […]

Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Injuries

Physical Therapy plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal pain. Therapy ranges from passive modalities (such as heat, ice, and electrical stimulation) to active treatments such as stabilization and strengthening exercises. After an acute injury, the physical therapist will often use modalities to decrease inflammation and muscle spasm and promote tissue […]