nerve pain

Chronic Pain Treatment Options

The answer to beating chronic pain isn’t one size fits all, so for those who are suffering sometimes it’s hard to find the right mix of treatments to help them get rid of pain. Chronic pain can develop from many different sources including an underlying disease or disorder, injuries such as a car accident, arthritis, […]

Are You Making Your Pain Worse?

If you suffer from chronic pain, it can be disabling and disrupt your life. Although it is difficult to treat chronic pain, the pain can be managed through a variety of methods. However, during the course of your pain treatment, there may be some setbacks that you experience. Some things that people do can actually […]

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

What is the ulnar nerve? The ulnar nerve is a branch of the brachial plexus nerve system. With help from the median nerve, the ulnar nerve provides sensation to the flexor muscles of the hands and feet, allowing for bending.   Ulnar nerve neuropathy due to ulnar nerve entrapment is often a painful disorder of the outer […]

What is Electromyography (EMG/NCS)?

An Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) help in the diagnosis of conditions or diseases affecting the peripheral nerves, muscles, neuromuscular junction and motor neuron. General Indications for EMG & NCS are: Numbness, tingling, burning sensation or pain, limb pain (arm or leg), muscle weakness and/or atrophy and “worm-like” movements of the muscles Indications […]

A Guide to Treating Back Pain with Spinal Injections

For patients suffering from back pain who have tried medication and physical therapy,   there is another option.  Spinal injections are non-surgical back treatments used to mitigate your pain.  Often, spinal injections work better than oral medications, as spinal injections are delivered to the site of pain. Epidural Steroid Injections An epidural steroid injection is the […]

Nerve Conduction Studies

A nerve conduction study is a spinal diagnostic study that usually done along with electromyography (EMG). The nerve conduction study stimulates specific nerves and records their ability to send the impulse to the muscle. The study can show where there is a blockage of the nerve pathway. Nerve conduction studies are done to:     […]

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy describes damage to the peripheral nervous system, the vast communications network that transmits information from the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) to every other part of the body. Peripheral nerves also send sensory information back to the brain and spinal cord, such as a message that the feet are cold […]