Headaches come in many forms. Learning more about what kind of headaches you are experiencing is the first step in finding a treatment option that works.
1. Rebound headaches often come about due to overuse of medications. They often contain symptoms of neck pain, irritability, difficulty concentrating and depression. If you are taking an NSAID or pain reliever two times a week or more, you are at a higher risk for a rebound headache. Best to work with your doctors to find out which medication is causing the headaches instead of trying to guess on your own.
2. Tension headaches are the most common headache. They cause mild to moderate pain in the forehead, temples, back of the head, or neck. They are often caused by stress, anxiety, fatigue and anger.
3. Dental headaches are directly related to dental conditions. Bruxism, or grinding your teeth and TMJ are often the culprits of dental headaches. Work with your dentist to find a solution such as stretching, hot/cold therapy, mouth guards and stress reduction.
4. Cluster headaches come in groups and cause severe pain, often on one side of the head. They include symptoms like bloodshot eyes and a runny nose on the same side where the pain is experienced. They are short lived, lasting between 15 minutes and 3 hours.
5. Migraine headaches follow at least two of these criteria: one-sided pain, moderate-severe pain, pain that interferes with daily activity and pain that is made worse with activity. Often migraines come with a sensitivity to light and sound, and sometimes nausea and vomiting.
6. Sinus headaches are caused by swollen sinuses. They can cause a throbbing pain and a feeling of pressure around a person’s eyes, cheeks and forehead that worsens when bending over or lying down.
7. Caffeine headaches occur when you skip your normal caffeine boost for the day. For someone who drinks multiple cups of coffee a day, if they skip a cup one day they will experience this type of headache. It is a withdrawal symptom due to the addictive nature of caffeine.
8. Ice cream headaches “brain freeze” is a shooting head pain which happens right after drinking or eating something very cold. those that suffer with migraines are especially susceptible to these types of headaches. Luckily these are fleeting and will go away once you have a break from the cold food.
9. Chronic headaches mean simply that you have at least 15 days in a month where you have had a headache. For some this could be due to pain medications, injury to the head, or even meningitis or tumors. A doctor can help you find what kind of treatment option with help with your type of chronic headache.
Photo by marin at freedigitalphotos.net