Are you searching for an alternative treatment to neck surgery or epidural injections? You should consider regenerative stem cell and PRP therapy as a possible solution. When you are suffering with discs in the neck that are painful, it can lead to severe neck pain and even disability in the worst cases. Many people immediately visit an orthopaedic surgeon for answers. Unfortunately for many surgery may be recommended when in reality, giving stem cell treatments a try before surgery is the best answer. This treatment offers the opportunity to potentially avoid surgical manipulation of the neck.
Our office is at the forefront of this new treatment. We offer many different versions of stem cell and PRP therapy including:
-Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections
-Intradiscal PRP Injections (Injection Into The Discs)
-Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) Injections
-Amniotic Fluid Injections
Find out more information about each of these options by visiting our website at