Monthly Archives: October 2015

Halloween Safety Tips

Happy Halloween! This is an exciting and fun-filled time of the year for children and adults alike. But, there are also hazards that present themselves during the festivities. Follow these safety tips to ensure that your Halloween is as safe as possible!   For the kids…   Never trick-or-treat alone Always use the buddy system […]

Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain

Acupuncture  This ancient form of Chinese medicine has been shown to have a plethora of benefits, the most prominent being pain management. This procedure consists of the strategic insertion of very thin needles into different parts of the body. It has been used in the Western world to help with symptoms of many different conditions, […]

Yoga for the Upper Body

This week’s blog post is a continuation of yoga series we started last month. This time, there is a focus on upper body pain, particularly the shoulders and neck. Practice these poses at home to help combat any upper body pain you may be experiencing!

Causes of Neck Pain & How to Combat It

Many people have experienced neck tension or pain. But, many aren’t sure how it is caused or how to effectively treat it. However, you’ll be happy to know that it isn’t hard to find relief and manage your chronic neck pain! Here are a few likely causes for your pain, plus some easy tips to […]

7 Ways to Relieve Your Headache

Acupuncture Acupuncture is something that everyone has heard of, but no one really knows how it works. It is the process of sticking thin needles into the skin in order to restore the even flow of energy in the body, often called qi or chi (pronounced CHEE). By restoring this flow, many have found relief […]