Treating And Preventing Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a painful condition where the tendons that connect muscles to bones are irritated, inflamed or torn. Some examples of tendons are the delicate bands in the hands or the large bands that secure the calf and thigh muscles. Most often tendonitis develops because of overuse due to repetitive motions or overloading the area from a certain activity. The shoulder, knee, heel, wrist and elbow are common places tendonitis is seen, but it can happen anywhere in the body where there are tendons. Symptoms of tendonitis generally include pain around the joint and sometimes red, swelling or warmth in the area.

If you believe you may have tendonitis, talk with your physician about what treatment options are best for you. Treatment options include ice packs, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) for a period of time, and rest. For some locations a temporary bracing or sling may be required. Regular movement is important to help prevent the area from becoming stiff. Corticosteroid injections are sometimes recommended to aid in healing and reducing inflammation.

Prevention tips
-Warm up before working out or lifting heavy objects
-Always use the proper equipment and methods when doing an activity or exercise
-Keep yourself physically active and work out regularly
-Any activities that requires long periods where you must reach over your head should be avoided, or at the very least, frequent breaks taken
-The “no pain no gain” approach is not the safest way to practice exercise. Gradually increasing weights over time is a better approach


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