joint pain

What You Need to Know About Dislocated Shoulders

Dislocated shoulders are common injuries, particular for athletes. If it happens to you, it is important to get treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage the surrounding ligaments, tendons, and nerves. The good news is that non-surgical treatments are effective for dislocated shoulders and that most people make complete recoveries. Here are the facts […]

Medication that May Be Used to Manage Your Pain

In many cases, medication is the first step in treatment for various types of orthopedic injuries. Medications your orthopedist may prescribe include pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants. These medications help to manage pain and promote healing in both acute and chronic cases. Pain Relievers Pain relief is of the utmost importance when you suffer […]

How Does a Stress Fracture Occur?

Stress fractures are injuries caused by overuse of the muscles. They are particularly common among athletes who participate in activities that tax the lower body. Proper diagnosis of these injuries is the first step in developing an effective treatment and prevention plan. Causes of Stress Fractures Unlike acute fractures, stress fractures occur as a result of […]

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is an extremely common complaint. After all, no joint moves more in your body than your shoulder. As it lifts, twists, and carries, it is prone to dislocation and injury. A number of different issues can cause pain in your shoulder; here are some of the most common culprits behind this pain:   Shoulder […]

Understanding the Role of Steroids in Pain Management

When the body experiences trauma, the tissues can become inflamed. This inflammation occurs because the cells that comprise those tissues are trying to repair the injured site. However, inflammation can also cause discomfort, swelling, and stiffness, which can greatly inhibit a person’s mobility and quality of life. To alleviate these conditions, a pain management specialist may […]

Why ACL Injuries Are More Common in Women

Although the knee’s only job is to bend and straighten the leg, it requires a vast collection of bones, muscles, tendons and cartilage to pull off this simple feat. And because it’s designed to stick to such a rigid path of movement, any little tweak puts all of those moving parts at risk for injury. […]

Nutrition and Joint Pain

There is a lot of discussion about the role of nutrition in joint pain, but there is no miracle diet that will help you control your arthritis pain. However, eating a healthy diet is important for everyone, and there are some ways that your nutrition can influence your health and help you manage your joint […]

Managing Joint Pain

Joint pain can be a result of an injury or one of many types of arthritis. While the treatment for different causes of joint pain can be different, there are some general guidelines for managing symptoms of joint pain. For mild to moderate joint pain and stiffness, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help manage […]

What Causes Bone Pain?

Pain within the bones  is relatively uncommon, especially compared to muscle and joint pain. Bone pain can be caused by conditions that can be serious, so it should always be checked out by a medical professional. In some cases, the cause of bone pain may be obvious. Bone fractures caused by traumatic injury are usually […]

Remedies for Painful Joints

Joint pain is a common condition among adults which most commonly affects the knee and hip joints. Joint pain can interfere with a person’s mobility, because it often makes normal movement and functioning of the joint difficult or impossible. Inflammation of a joint in general is called arthritis. Arthritis is not one disease, but a […]