How to Prepare for Your First Orthopaedic Appointment

Appointment Information

  • Verify the date and time of the appointment: The time you should arrive at the office for your appointment is typically different and earlier than your actual appointment time. As this is your first appointment, you will most likely be required to complete the new patient paperwork. It is also important to have your personal identification and insurance information readily available prior to being seen by your doctor.

Items to Take to My Appointment (Identification and Insurance Information):

  • Current photo ID
  • Current insurance card(s)
  • Insurance co-payment, co-insurance, and deductible information (if applicable)
  • Insurance referral

Medical Information for Current Injury or Condition:
All medical records, imaging (X-Ray or MRI) and lab test results for your current injury or condition should be carried in or faxed to your orthopedist from your primary care doctor.

Personal Documentation of Current Injury or Condition:
Throughout your visit, you will be asked a series of questions about the injury or condition that you are being see for. You may find that compiling a personal documentation record prior to your visit and having the record with you during your appointment may help assist you in answering some of these questions.

Current List of All Medications You are Taking:
Bring a current list of all your medications, including the medication name, dosage, frequency it is taken and the reason you are taking it. You should note any medications you are allergic to as well.

List of Questions and Concerns to Address During Your Appointment:
It is highly recommended that you compile a written list of all questions and concerns you want to address during your visit prior to arriving to the office. Due to the likelihood that you will meet with several departments and individuals throughout your appointment, it is easy to forget any important questions you may want to ask.

Additional Information and Expectations:
Dress comfortably! If possible, it is recommended that you dress in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for your appointment. For example, if you are visiting for a shoulder injury, it may be easiest to wear a button up shirt another type of loose fitting clothing. it is important to wear clothes that are easy to take of and put on.

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